Those who know me are aware that I have a lot of strong opinions, some warranted and some not. Sometimes I know what needs to be said and other times I should probably keep my mouth shut.

I can think of no other area in my often bizarre and off-kilter life in which this has been more true than in my experiences as an amateur band director. Seven years ago I began an odyssey that has taken me in a direction I did not expect and to this day cannot believe or fully explain. It has been a wild ride, but I am happy - generally.

So, I wanted a place to rant and reflect, to gaze forward and look back, and to put into words all those crazy things that go through my head about music, teaching, learning, and life in general.

I want to clarify to myself where I have been and where I want to go; to share so much of what I have learned, and to find answers to so many questions I have; and to inspire anyone who will listen but also be honest and true to myself.

It is for these reasons and a thousand others that I am compelled to write.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Oh yeah, it appears that I have a blog.

This seems as good a time as any to remind myself that I intend to write in my blog about once a week.  That hasn't really happened so far, but that's really no surprise to me.  As I have mentioned, I am an amateur band director.  This basically means I have no time for anything, especially what I am actually supposed to be doing.

Sometimes, sacrifices must be made.

This time around, I find myself spending time planning some rather silly pep band events that just happen to coincide with spring break.

Aspiring Amateur Band Director Life Lesson #1:  Band directors do not get breaks.

More on this stuff later.

In the meantime, I have a post brewing that will sort of be the culmination of a lot of thought and consideration.  I hope to have it up by the end of the week, but who am I kidding? 

When it does eventually appear, it’s going to be about the state of classical music.  Full disclosure:  I’m going to bring religion into our relationship, friends.  I know it’s a bit premature, and we probably should leave a discussion of religion and politics out of it until we get to know each other a little better, but the analogy is too good to leave out, and I trust that you all can handle it.

Honestly, if you can find even a bit of humor in this:

you will probably understand.  Also, can you guess which religion classical music is like?  I just gave you a big hint!

Until then, my friends, watch your conductors occasionally.  They are only trying to help.